News From The MBRC

A spirited group of cyclists, riding in & around Southern Ontario escarpment for sport and fitness

Ninth Line EA - Notice of Study Completion



The City of Mississauga has completed a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study to assess transportation improvements to Ninth Line from Eglinton Avenue West to Derry Road West. The planned improvements will benefit all transportation modes including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists. Recommended Ninth Line improvements include:

  • Widening from two (2) to four (4) lanes
  • In-boulevard cycle tracks and sidewalks (both sides of the road)
  • Localized intersection improvements
  • Opportunities for landscaping in the boulevard and centre median

An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the planning, consultation, preliminary design and decision-making process. The ESR will be placed on the public record for a 45-day review period starting June 24th, 2021 and ending August 9th, 2021, and can be viewed and downloaded at

The attached Notice of Study Completion provides further details on the study and how to provide comments or questions.


Patrick Yip, P.Eng

Transportation Engineer


Do you have any questions?