News From The MBRC
A spirited group of cyclists, riding in & around Southern Ontario escarpment for sport and fitness
A spirited group of cyclists, riding in & around Southern Ontario escarpment for sport and fitness
The Provincial Government has implemented a Stay-at-Home Order effective April 8, 2021. Details relating to the order can be found at the Province wide Shutdown Website
Stay-at-Home Order (O-Reg 265/21) – Guides Ontarians as to their individual responsibilities.
Rules for Areas in Stage 1 (Shutdown Zone) – O-Reg 82/20 – General rules for the Shutdown Zone
1 (1) Every individual shall remain at the residence at which they are currently residing at all times unless leaving their residence is necessary for one or more of the following purposes…
16. Exercising, including,
48 (4) …no indoor or outdoor sports or recreational classes are permitted at any indoor or outdoor sport and recreational facilities.
What this means for cycling:
The OCA will continue working with our advisors including the government of Ontario to obtain further clarity.