News From The MBRC

A spirited group of cyclists, riding in & around Southern Ontario escarpment for sport and fitness



Ride faster, further & feel fitter in time for spring sounds good but keeping motivated to ride an indoor trainer can be a challenge for many cyclists. We have had more and more requests from customers to learn the basics about trainers and online cycling programs for winter fitness.

The available online cycling trainer platforms like Zwift can drastically improve your fitness and help keep your focus for the coming spring season, whether you are getting ready to ride in support for a charity like "Ride for Heart" or just want to ride at the next level with your friends.

If you are a novice rider take note these training methods are not just for professionals anymore & local racers also have much to gain from the online riding experience. You will need a few items to make your rides happen and some extra items to enhance the enjoyment of your riding sessions, so lets review.

Zwift Basic concept and benefits:

  • Workout with your own schedule 24/7.
  • Workout with friends, with groups of riders or go solo.
  • Workout while you race with online races.
  • Included is a host of training workout plans with reminders emailed to you if you choose.
  • If a smart trainer is being used the resistance will be effected directly by the virtual terrain.
  • If a terrain is steep you will need to work harder to virtually climb it.
  • When riding in a group or behind someone you will be able to draft; work less at the same speed.
  • Think of Zwift as a cycling video game that will make you workout beyond your expectations. 
  • Multiple courses available.
  • 1 week free trial to check it out

What you will need:

  1. A Bicycle: Most trainers can accommodate 24 inch up to 29 inch (aka. 700cc).
  2. Trainer: Choose one;
    • Smart trainer
      • Bluetooth Smart trainer  (uses bluetooth to connect to your interface).
    • Basic trainer Magnetic resistance or Fluid trainers (will need a bluetooth or ANT+ speed sensor on your bicycle or a power meter.) choose one;
      • Bluetooth speed sensor for a basic trainer.
      • If your speed sensor only has ANT+ You will require a ANT+ Dongle to your computer.
      • On bicycle power meter (pedal based, wheel based or crank based)
      • Wheel based trainers use the rear wheel against a roller which can heat up & de-laminate a regular tire, so a trainer tire can withstand the heat build up and is suggested (trainer tire should not be ridden on the road, read manufactures suggestions) .
    • Indoor rollers choose one;
      • Speed sensor to connect to your interface.
      • On bicycle power meter (pedal based, wheel based or crank based)
  3. Connect Interface: Choose one;
    • Computer (Wifi or Ethernet) with bluetooth capability using the A) computer screen or B) with HDMI cord to TV.
    • iPad with bluetooth & Wifi capability.
    • Mobile phone with bluetooth & Wifi capability.
    • AppleTV with bluetooth capability.
  4. Extras: To enhance the experience more.
    • Bluetooth Heart rate monitor.
    • Trainer floormat to protect your floor from sweat.
    • A fan to cool you down.
    • Power meter, If your trainer does not use power to communicate your speed.
    • Cadence sensor lets you know the speed that you pedal.
    • Front tire riser block lets you raise the front wheel to accommodate a feeling that your climbing.
    • A stand for your interface device, or on bike device holder, so you can have easy reach to your connected device; computer, Tablet or mobile phone.

If you have any questions? Shoot us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If you would like to try Zwift in our store call us to make an appointment.

Come spring time you'll be FLYING! 
Gravel bikes routes in Ontario

Gravel bike routes in Ontario

Gravel bikes have really become popular, so to help find some routes on gravel roads there is a map to aid the quest.
Also note since most online cycling mapping apps like do not indicate exactly if a road is gravel or paved this can be a handy addition to your planning tool box for your next road routes to avoid gravel on unfamiliar terrain. Good luck!

Step 2 of the Roadmap to Reopen

The Provincial Government will move into Step 2 of the Roadmap to Reopen plan on June 30 [with the exception of the Region of Waterloo].   The OCA has consulted with Ministry and legal advisors to obtain clarification on how the updated regulations apply to cycling and specifically physical distancing requirements.  The regulations do not provide a clear direction on whether distancing is required and the interpretation of the regulations is at the discretion of the Public Health Units.   As a result, to ensure compliance with the published regulations, we advise clubs/teams to continue maintaining physical distance and other requirements as outlined in the Return to Sport Update below. However, clubs/teams are welcome to contact their local health authority or the health authority where they plan to ride to obtain written approval of reduced restrictions for their activity. Please note the interpretation of one health units may differ from another and clubs/teams must ensure they receive approval from all health units they are operating within.

We recognize that this ambiguity continues to be a frustrating process for our members.  Please understand that staff are engaging with all relevant entities to obtain answers. However, in the absence of clarity on what is permissible, we must apply a cautious approach to ensure member compliance with provincial regulations and safety.

Please review the Return to Sport Update for changes to permissible activities under Step 2.

Return to Sport Update V15 – June 29 2021

Progressive Return to Cycling Guidelines – V7-June 29

Ninth Line EA - Notice of Study Completion


The City of Mississauga has completed a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study to assess transportation improvements to Ninth Line from Eglinton Avenue West to Derry Road West. The planned improvements will benefit all transportation modes including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists. Recommended Ninth Line improvements include:

  • Widening from two (2) to four (4) lanes
  • In-boulevard cycle tracks and sidewalks (both sides of the road)
  • Localized intersection improvements
  • Opportunities for landscaping in the boulevard and centre median

An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the planning, consultation, preliminary design and decision-making process. The ESR will be placed on the public record for a 45-day review period starting June 24th, 2021 and ending August 9th, 2021, and can be viewed and downloaded at

The attached Notice of Study Completion provides further details on the study and how to provide comments or questions.


Patrick Yip, P.Eng

Transportation Engineer


Do you have any questions?